Take a break without going anywhere. Since most of us aren’t traveling far from home these days, consider these “stay-cation” ideas.
For 3 to 7 days, plan a “recovery” retreat.
- No phones or screens. May watch movies but must be DVDs or other “non-internet” forms
- Plan vacation-like meals and possibly activities
- Play games, have fire pit, read books, watch the sunset or sunrise
If you only have a short amount of time (an hour or a few hours), taking a “break” means focusing on what gives you joy rather than what “must” or “should” be done.
- Water your plants
- Play with your kids or pets
- Read a fun novel
- Go for a socially distant walk with a friend
- Listen to great music
- Cook a fantastic meal
- Draw, paint, sing, or play an instrument (anything creative!)